V2.1 network migration

how to deal with the breaking network change in v2.1

This page is specifically targeted for users that are running v2.0, made changed to the /etc/network/interfaces file and want to install firmware version 2.1.x.

If you never touched this file you can skip this section and follow the normal upgrade guide here.

There is no manual action required, this page is to warn users that network configuration will change and, depending on setup, could result in an network loss.


Test if you are affected

to test if this applies to you, you can copy/paste the following snippet in a BMC shell:

if [ -f "/mnt/overlay/upper/etc/network/interfaces" ] && (grep -qE "^[^#]*eth0" "/mnt/overlay/upper/etc/network/interfaces" || ! grep -qE "node[1-4]|ge[01]" "/mnt/overlay/upper/etc/network/interfaces"); then echo "migration required!"; else echo "Not affected"; fi

During the update to v2.1 an attempt is made to upgrade the interfacesfile. It will update definitions and aliases from eth0 to the appropriate new bridge interface. The original interfaces file will be renamed to interfaces_bak and can be put back in the event of errors.

Disable migration script

Before installing the update, login the BMC and create the file /root/.disable_interface_migration if you prefer to manually update the interfaces config.

touch /root/.disable_interface_migration

This will opt out of the migration later on once you decide to install the update.

To make manual adjustments use the reference configuration, which can be found here